DC Comics
Justice League Unlimited # 20
By Koppy McFad
April 14, 2006 - 04:42

DC Comics
Writer(s): Paul Storrie
Penciller(s): Rick Burchett
Inker(s): Rick Burchett
Cover Artist(s): Ty Templeton

This comic supposedly covers the adventures of the animated version of the JLU but the stories are a strange mix of the animated continuity and that of the main DC universe. In this issue, Mary Marvel-- who has not appeared in the cartoons-- meets with the female members of the League and watches and learns as they take on the threat of the New Olympians-- villains from the original BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS comic. The story is amusing but is rather humdrum with some lesson on not making assumptions about gender-roles. Perhaps the younger set will find this informative but it lacks a lot of excitement. the story also relies on a little too much knowledge of DC trivia. In this, it almost looks like fanfiction-- albeit, very professional fanfiction. The art does a good job of capturing the likeness of all these obscure characters while staying faithful to the style of the cartoon. But it also looks rather stiff in some panels.

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