DC Comics
Justice League Unlimited # 15
By Koppy McFad
November 5, 2005 - 04:01

DC Comics
Writer(s): Adam Beechen
Penciller(s): Carlo Barberi, Walden Wong
Cover Artist(s): Carlo Barberi


This comic follows a rather strange continuity. Although it is based on the cartoon, it frequently features secondary characters who are not members of the animated Justice League. Yet it is also clearly not set in the mainstream DC universe. It is like an animated JLU aspiring to become the regular JLA. This issue is a classic example. It features characters non-JLAers like Ragman and focuses on the long-deceased Vibe, a laughing stock character from the 1980s. Vibe tries to rescue his little brother from a street gang that has become involved with Dr. Sivana and the Mr. Atom robot. It is almost inspiring to see how the creators struggle to make Vibe a figure of respect. They do a pretty job at it, even while they acknowledge his status as a minor-leaguer who looks a lot like a token Puerto Rican on the team. The art is stylized but also looks rather simplistic in some pages lacking enough detail or background. But there are some surprisingly good scenes like the one with Vibe taking down the bad guy.

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