DC Comics
Review: Green Arrow #3
By Philip Schweier
July 20, 2016 - 11:04

DC Comics
Writer(s): Benjamin Percy
Penciller(s): Juan Ferreyra
Inker(s): Juan Ferreyra
Colourist(s): Juan Ferreyra
Letterer(s): Nate Piekos
Cover Artist(s): Juan Ferreyra; variant by Neal Adams and Sandra Hope, with Dave McCaig

As Oliver Queen continues his investigation into his own corporation, and Black Canary continues her investigation into Queen’s disappearance, opposing forces begin to gather. Not only do they desire Queen’s company, but they want his alter ego out of the way.

Waiting in the wings are Emi Queen (Oliver’s younger sister) and John Diggle. As supporting players continue to draw in closer, I believe we can look forward to a showdown that won’t disappoint. But who’s on whose side remains to be determined.

Clearly, the story is moving toward a a greater moment, and that gives me hope. Too many comics I read these days seem padded out simply to fill a trade.

This issue features the artwork of Juan Ferreyra, cover artist for the previous issues. He has a more painterly style than his predecessor,  Otto Schmidt . It reminds me of some of the work I used to see in Heavy Metal, and while I like it very much, I think I preferred Schmidt's. But that’s just my own personal taste; your mileage may vary.

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