DC Comics
Green Arrow 20
By Paul Mason
April 7, 2017 - 21:14

DC Comics
Writer(s): Benjamin Percy
Penciller(s): Eleonara Carlini
Inker(s): Mirka Andolfo
Colourist(s): Arif Prianto
Letterer(s): Nate Piekos
Cover Artist(s): Otto Schmidt, Mike Grell, Lovern Kindzieski


Vertigo the return of Roy Harper Conclusion

How glad am I the Arsenal is back in the pages of Green Arrow? Let me count the ways
1)    His snarky sarcasm is a nice counterpoint to Green Arrows
2)    His snarkiness is welcome comic relief to a title that under Lemaire watch could be a little too earnest and unironic.
3)     It’s Roy for crying out loud!
There are other ways I am too lazy to enumerate but suffice to say I am glad he’s part of the team even if it’s only temporary.

Face it if Black Canary has traditionally been the heart of the comic Arsenal was its soul.


Now on to this issue the good guys face off against Vertigo.10 There are two timelines with multiple flashbacks to Arsenal/Speedy’s encounter with Vertigo. Percy does a fine job filling in some blank spots in Arsenal’s history.
The minor bad in this arc are the wild dogs. Overall I wonder how big an influence the show has on the comic and vice versa.

My one gripe is Black Canary could have had a larger role, but I guess there are only so many pages in a comic.

The art in this issue was once again gorgeous highlighting the action sequences without making the panels too busy. Each panel finely complemented the storytelling with an economy without cheating out on art.

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