DC Comics
JSA Classified # 12
By Koppy McFad
June 1, 2006 - 07:06

DC Comics
Writer(s): Stuart Moore
Penciller(s): Paul Gulacy
Inker(s): Jimmy Palmiotti
Cover Artist(s): Paul Gulacy, Jimmy Palmiotti

This is the third part of a four-chapter tale where a dying Vandal Savage makes a last-ditch attempt to kill Green Lantern Alan Scott. The tale is more of a suspenseful drama than a slambang action story so those looking for a 'savage' confrontation may be disappointed. Stil, the writing team captures the desperation and slow mental decay of Vandal Savage but also shows how these changes actually make him a more dangerous threat. The art team also does a good job of conveying Savage's descent and Scott's courage. The scenes showing Alan with his old pal Wesley Dodds, the original Sandman, are strangely affecting, as they remind us how much potential Wesley still had before he was killed off. One major defect is the drawing of Jade that they use in this issue: it shows her looking unusually ugly. Yes, it is suppose to be the moment of her painful death but Gulacy makes her look like a bucktoothed old woman.

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