DC Comics
JSA: Classified # 10
By Koppy McFad
March 25, 2006 - 04:04

DC Comics
Writer(s): Stuart Moore
Penciller(s): Paul Gulacy
Inker(s): Jimmy Palmiotti
Cover Artist(s): Paul Gulacy, Jimmy Palmiotti

Somebody at DC likes Vandal Savage. Maybe a little too much. This issue is devoted entirely to the immortal villain, linking together various Savage appearances through the years, including the recent FLASH and VILLAINS UNITED tales. The JSA do not appear in it at all, except for a brief flashback. Still, the story is compelling as we see how Savage returns to Earth, look into his memories to centuries past and his discovery that he has only days to live. Gulacy's cinematic techniques help lift this above the usual self-indulgent decompressed story-telling. But some of the memories that Savage drags up seem to be strung together haphazardly. How they link all those "green" memories together is beyond me. Hopefully, this issue is just an opening for a more exciting story on Vandal Savage and his old arch-foe.

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