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The Binquirer, August 27 Edition: Liefeld and tactlessness vs. Brevoort, Snyder, and Capullo, Toronto Fan Expo news, and much more!
By Dan Horn
August 27, 2012 - 13:04
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DC Comics:
After his vitriolic and protracted Twitter tirade, which directly followed his announcement that he'd resigned from DC Comics, Rob Liefeld's web frenzy continued into the weekend. Somewhat catalyzing the perpetuation of Liefeld's indignant, yet undignified, fury was Marvel editor Tom Brevoort's response to a question about rehiring Liefeld. "After that Twitter flame-out, I can't say I'd be in a hurry to get onto that train," Brevoort had quipped in response. With this statement, Brevoort had incurred the wrath of Liefeld (who is some kind of demigod in his own mind), which spurred Liefeld's reignited Twitter offensive ("offensive" in all senses), characterized by statements like, "Someone told me that loser fat ass Brevoort was talking trash about me today. I dropped him awhile back."
Things got more heated when Brevoort, Gail Simone, and David Gallagher came to the defense of DC editor Brian Smith, whom Liefeld had accused of incompetence. Liefeld continued: "Sorry they passed you over for EIC Tommy B. Get over it and get back to mixing and matching Avengers and X-Men #doucher" and "I know, Tommy B, why don't u all tell Kirkman how 'concerned' u are for his future post Marvel. That's our funniest bit that we HOWL at."
Tom riposted, "You remain a sweetheart, Rob. Don't go changing. Also, feel free to say any of this to my face, you feckless bully. Takes a big man to go postal publicly on a young editor [Brian Smith] like that."
Liefeld's rage was not to be squelched, however. Even after taking potshots at Grifter artist Scott Clark, whom Liefeld accused of being lazy and unreliable, Tom Brevoort, and others, Liefeld went on to attack Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo for what Rob describes as "average" sales on Batman, considering the book is a flagship Batman series, a perennial best-seller for Diamond Distributors. Snyder seemed to reply privately to Liefeld, and Rob retweeted bits of Snyder's private reaction. From what we saw in Rob's Twitter feed, Snyder's response was innocuous enough, stating that Batman was still selling well because of the efforts of Scott and artist Greg Capullo, to which Rob replied, calling Snyder a "pretentious prick." This exchange seems to have been deleted by Rob.
The unassuming nature of Snyder's private claims didn't soften the blow for Liefeld's fans, however, who must be the rabblerousing equivalent of the comics industry's Tea Party. Some accused Snyder of being a coward for attempting to handle his dispute with Liefeld privately, an act that in any other sphere might be misconstrued as tact.
In other more important DC-related news, the publisher revealed at the Toronto Fan Expo a new Justice League series, Justice League of America, set to print next year. The team's new lineup features, Martian Manhunter, Katana, Green Arrow, Hawkman, the Arab-American Green Lantern Baz, Stargirl, Vibe, and Catwoman. The reincarnation of JLA seems to embody DC's take on Marvel's Secret Avengers, a clandestine superhero mash-up. The series will be written by Geoff Johns and illustrated by David Finch. (CBR)
DC also announced another Before Watchmen mini-series, this one based on the villain Moloch, which will be written by JMS and illustrated by Eduardo Risso. Bill Sienkiwicz has also stepped in on Nite Owl to illustrate the book in the wake of legendary artist Joe Kubert's passing. (CBR)
Film and Television:
Ben Affleck has personally dispelled the rumors that he is attached to the Justice League film. The Wachowskis are reportedly in talks to helm the Warner Bros. film.
Last Updated: August 31, 2023 - 08:12