Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics

Amazons Attack # 6 (of 6)

By Koppy Mcfad
September 1, 2007 - 04:32


Wonder Woman finally confronts her mother in direct combat to end the Amazon invasion of America in the last issue of this miniseries. It actually starts out well with both Diana and Hippolyta having the fight that everyone anticipated. The art, while still often very static, tells the story clearly and actually makes some of the action scenes look exciting. Then the story slowly falls apart as we get Hippolyta, Circe and the goddess, Athena, start explaining all their convoluted reasons for triggering the war. None of it is very convincing and a lot of it sounds like a cop-out. This is followed by a scene of Athena punishing the collected Amazons-- a scene that will have JLA readers screaming "RIP-OFF" except that it was done with so much better and with more drama by Grant Morrison. Finally, we get to the end where we discover that-- the story isn't over! It is "to be continued," apparently as some sort of tie-up with one of the big Crisis-events on the horizon. Those who stuck with this mini-series all throughout are going to feel cheated.  Fortunately, I did not spend my own money on this miniseries so I can give it a generous one out of five stars.


Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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