By Yik-Hai Chan
June 22, 2006 - 06:38
Supergirl Corrupted – Superman/Batman Wave 2
Sculptor – Big Chief
When Kara Zor-El was trapped within a Kryptonite meteor, she was a teenager trapped in a timeless state until she landed in
Keeping to the other figures of the wave, the Supergirl Corrupted figure is packaged in the same blister card packaging as the previous two figures reviewed. It’s large and has some nice bright graphics with another frontal sticker indicating the figure in question with a Turner drawing. The summary on the back is appropriate for the figure on the front.
The second Supergirl of the wave is based on Michael Turner’s design of Kara as one of Darkseid’s Female Furies. Having said that, there are a number of inaccuracies in comparison to the issues this designed featured in. The figure is missing the hair piece used to support her hair being up, there is less hair then expected, the cape she sports is missing components that are supposed to be connected out from her black bra and it doesn’t wrap around the whole her lower arms as they should. Smaller eyes would also have been better in this case. I am intrigued to see the control art for this figure to see her is compares.
Due to the original design the figure is based upon, finer detail in parts of the costume is evident in the pants and the lower arm decorations which can only be described as long ivory-like teeth. I am highly disappointed with the hair sculpt. In the issues that the costume featured, rather then being in one bunch, it was more spread out making it more striking. I also do not like the way the bangs are sculpted in the midst of a wind flow especially as there should be more hair strands there. The cape itself looks more like wings rather than the thin material it should be made from. A good attempt at the folds but more would have been appreciated.
The main complaint here is that the black parts of the costume are colored with a white reflection in the comics, indicated that it’s made of a shiny material. It was the perfect opportunity for the figure to be painted with glossy black but it’s painted in a rather bland matt black. The non black parts of the pants are well painted in a polished color while I do appreciate the airbrushing used for the cape. Final point to make is the eyes would have been better in red rather than the brown color used instead. A surprising good overall paint job if not for a few inaccuracies.
This version of Supergirl stands even taller than the first one reviewed. If you recall, it was mentioned that that version was out of scale but this figure is even worse. Not only is it taller then most of the Modern Age DC Direct figures but it is taller then the Superman and Batman figures of the same wave. Another major disappointment for frustrated DC Direct fans who only want one scale and one scale only.
Obviously with the provided base, it’ll stand with no problem but without, it will fall due to the figure being top heavy carrying the extra weight from the cape but that’s not the only problem. Due to the plastic and the way the figure was packaged, the heels of her boots are bent inwards towards her toes. Had they been in the correct position, it may have helped to secure a more stable posture.
Supergirl Corrupted has a total of 9 points of articulation. The ball jointed neck has a good range of motion while the shoulders are restricted, similar to the last two figures reviewed. No cut joints in the wrists prevent better poses especially since the left hand is sculpted open and looks odd if the arm is raised. Again, the leg articulation’s main purpose is for creating balance.
A logo base with the Superman/Batman logo is the only extra accessory you receive when you part your hard earned cash for this figure. It is fine and it serves its purpose for those who do not have the patience to balance their figures until they stand.
A figure without much useful articulation and only a logo base can only be worth so much. Considering the warped heels of the shoes, paying recommended retail price would be fairly harsh. Like the first Supergirl, do not dig more then 12.99 pound sterling/dollars out of your wallets for this figure.
Released with the other figures of the “Return of Supergirl” wave this week, you should be able to find them in your local comic book shops now. However, be expected to have Supergirl fans pick these up fast since it is a Supergirl figure but also since its sporting a lot less clothing then most despite its many inaccuracies with the source material.
It is by no means an excellent figure but the fact that the paint job is actually good on this figure, especially the eyes where the lashes are much finer then the other Supergirl, makes it borderline good. It still has many problems such as the sculpting inaccuracies, the poor scale and the warping plastic. If you decide to pick up Darkseid from this wave, this is a nice complimentary piece to go with it.
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