DC Comics
Garth Ennis: The Midnighter #6
By Leroy Douresseaux
April 29, 2007 - 10:49

DC Comics
Writer(s): Garth Ennis
Penciller(s): Glenn Fabry
Colourist(s): Randy Mayor & Jonny Rench
Cover Artist(s): Chris Sprouse and Karl Story
32 pp $2.99


The Midnighter #6, entitled “Flowers for the Sun,” is a story of undying love that finds quite a few people dying around it.  “The Greatest Swordsman in All the Land” (metaphorically Midnighter) is a man of mystery.  Even he does not know his origins, but with no remembrance of a past, his life a daily blank slate, he is free to kill men without guilt.  One day, however, he meets another swordsman (metaphorically Apollo) – an adept who may be his equal, but in different ways.  They become lovers ‘til death when they must part.

Glenn Fabry brings this tale of extreme violence and of a profound love between two men to life.  Fabry presents the violence as a visually striking ballet of mystical martial swordsmanship.  He slowly unveils love that is a stranger to this world – not because it’s between two men, but because its authenticity seems out of place in a world of hate, hate, and more hate.

Who knows when or if Garth Ennis will return to this title, but if this is buh-bye, then, Ennis exits with a sweet harmony offered to other writers so that this delightful opera of violence both grand and ultra continue.



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