Marvel Comics
Squadron Supreme #5
By Hervé St.Louis
July 23, 2006 - 16:59

Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Michael Straczynski
Penciller(s): Gary Frank
Inker(s): Jonathan Sibal

The Squadron continues its invasion of Iran but this issue focuses on Inertia giving readers more insights into her origin begun last issue. Doctor Spectrum continues to mutter weird words every now and then while his girlfriend, Amphibian continues to doubt something is wrong with him. There is also more violence by Power Princess and more authority questioning and soul searching by the Blur.

Really, except for the small bytes about the latter history of Inertia, this entire issue felt like déjà vu. The padded writing is starting to show through cracks and I hope Straczynski goes somewhere with this series instead of continuing the same old subplots every issue. Although entertaining for the social and political commentary, Squadron Supreme is depleted of any action.

As usual Frank gives us great graphics but even someone as talented can show weaknesses when the script he is provided with doesn’t allow him to do anything worthwhile. All he could do this issue is show emotions on the face of characters. He handled that without any problems. Yet, he must surely ache for more stuff to do.


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Squadron Supreme #4

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