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Future Shock: El Gato 2002
By Leroy Douresseau
January 10, 2004 - 15:17

Original Syndicate Press, Inc.
Writer(s): Michael Aushenker, Rafael Navarro, Javier Hernandez, and others
Penciller(s): Michael Aushenker, Rafael Navarro, Javier Hernandez, and others
Cover Artist(s): Michael Aushenker, Rafael Navarro, Javier Hernandez, and others

In each El Gato comic, cartoonist Michael Aushenker shows his love for the form. As his drawing improved, he seemed to push the borders of what could be in his comics. For instance, FUTURESHOCK: EL GATO 2002 is a full on homage to giant robot manga. In fact, El Gato takes a backseat in his own comics as Aushenker unleashes his improving ability to draw comics by adding panoramas of battling ships, imposing robots, and striking costumed supermen.

Not content just to do his own comic, Aushenker makes Futureshock an anthology book. He includes a lot of his own pinup art as filler, but the most interesting addition are several one page strips featuring, The Debunker, a character who is annoying on a surrealistic level. If that wasn't enough for five dollars, Aushenker adds contributions from some talented friends including cartoonists Rafael Navarro and Javier Hernandez.

Outside of the world of corporate comics and trademark servicing, there are some loud, rude voices drawing some crude, raw comics. And this is where the fun is.


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