DC Comics
The Light Brigade #1
By Koppy McFad
March 1, 2004 - 11:51

DC Comics
Writer(s): Peter Tomasi
Penciller(s): Peter Snejbjerg
Cover Artist(s): Peter Snejbjerg

This comic begins like a standard war story with a a platoon of US soldiers in Belgium facing an attack by a superior Nazi force. It is only later that the GIs realize that these Nazis can't be killed. After narrowly escaping death at the hands of the undead, they meet an angel who assigns them with the job of recovering the divine "sword of God," from a band of fallen angels who command these nazi-zombies. Tomasi contrasts war and the supernatural well, giving little hint of the threat these American soldiers face until it is right on top of them-- just like in real war.The GIs are a nice mix of ordinary men thrust into an incredible situation. Many of them are vividly depicted in the limited space allotted to each of them and we will probably feel sorry for them as they are picked off in later issues.

The baddies also have an understated creepiness about them that makes them more intriguing compared to the zombie hordes that are so common in popular culture nowadays. Nazis and the occult are mixed together all too frequently in comics and video games but this version still manages to stand out. Snejbjerg's art looks refreshingly different in this miniseries. Instead of the dark shadows and noir atmosphere of his earlier books, his work looks distinctly like something out of a war comic from the 1950s. A little Wally Wood influence is obvious and that is a good thing.

There are a few glitches in the story. The proto-fanboy among the GIs who raves about superhero comic books and some of the dialogue (like "Earth to Mark") are clearly anachronistic. Like too many war stories, it is a difficult to tell the soldiers apart from a distance as they are all dressed alike and largely have the same weapons. But the ending, with the band of brothers marching off, determined to do their duty, is inspiring in its own way. I'd join the charge of this Light Brigade.

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