Ghost Hunt: Volume 11
By Leroy Douresseaux
November 22, 2010 - 09:12

Del Rey Manga
Writer(s): Fuyumi Ono, Satsuki Yamashita
Penciller(s): Shiho Inada
Inker(s): Shiho Inada
Letterer(s): North Market Street Graphics
ISBN: 978-0-345-50135-6
$11.99 US, $12.99, 170pp, B&W, paperback

Ghost Hunt Volume 11 cover image is courtesy of

Rating “T” for “Ages 13+”

Ghost Hunt is a manga from creator Shiho Inada taken from the light novel series by Fuyumi Ono.  The series follows the ghost hunting adventures of high school student Mai Toniyama, as part of the Shibuya Psychic Research (SPR).  Mai can see and hear things in her dreams related to a case.

SPR is an agency that investigates psychic phenomena, but the agency investigates and analyzes unnatural phenomenon using science.  Mai has strong feelings for Kazuya Shibuya AKA Naru, the cool, attractive, and smart president of SPR.

Ghost Hunt, Vol. 11 concludes The Forgotten Children storyline.  An abandoned school may be haunted by the ghosts of children who died in a school bus accident.  Those spirits may also be the culprits behind a series of disappearances of locals that has been going on for years.  Now, SPR is trapped in the school, and if they cannot solve the mystery, they may find the school to be their permanent new home.

THE LOWDOWN:  Eerie and moody, Ghost Hunt is a good read.  There is a sense of creeping dread that permeates this storyline (The Forgotten Children).  Shiho Inada covers much of the art in shadowy tones and broad strokes of ink black that suggest static-y interference.  It’s as if a supernatural rain is drenching the story action.  Ghost Hunt is a ghost story manga perfect for reading under a blanket during those long fall and winter nights.

POSSIBLE AUDIENCE:  Readers looking for horror manga that deals with ghosts and evil spirits will like Ghost Hunt.



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