Marvel Comics
Eternals #4 of 6
By Hervé St-Louis
October 2, 2006 - 09:11

Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Neil Gaiman
Penciller(s): John Romita Jr
Inker(s): Danny Miki, Tom Palmer, Tim Townsend
Cover Artist(s): Rick Berry

Ikaris’ body is repaired by the central intelligence of the Eternals and suddenly, he remembers everything. Makkari meets Sprite who tells him exactly what’s going on with him and all the other Eternals. But something is about to give in and the world is in danger. A Celestial is about to be reactivated and the world will soon be destroyed. Can Ikaris warn everybody before it’s too late?

This is the part of the story where we learn what the stakes are and the villain tells the main character and the reader what his evil plot is. I like it, although I’ve read this type of story for years. The motivations feel right, although one can already imagine how it will end. The best part, is that Gaiman did everything within continuity. I feel a little bad that this story is about to take a regular super hero course, but I’ll be there anyway next month.

At times, Romita Jr, reminds me of a younger John Byrne with the exuberant energy and masterful storytelling. There are few artists like Romita Jr that can create a masterpiece with a few scribbles. No one needs photo realism with guys like him, Byrne or Barry Windsor Smith. Chicken scratch are evocative enough.

Rating: 8/10

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