DC Comics
Future Quest #5
By Hervé St-Louis
October 5, 2016 - 17:34

DC Comics
Writer(s): Jeff Parker
Penciller(s): Evan Shaner; Craig Rousseau
Inker(s): Evan Shaner; Craig Rousseau
Colourist(s): Jeremy Lawson; Hi-Fi Colors
Letterer(s): Dave Lanphear
Cover Artist(s): Evan Shaner; Steve Rude, John Kalisz

The heroes and the kids try to retrieve an old artifact that F.E.A.R. is interested in. While they fight against F.E.A.R., one of them rises through their rank, after hearing of the tales of the Mighty Mightor, which were retrieved from a cave dwelling. Elsewhere the Impossibles’s secret is exposed by Cobalt. But is she friend or foe?

This issue was a setup for the Mighty Mightor appearance at the end of the comic. It was a big fight or chase or escape, depending on your perspective. Jeff Parker is starting to crowd this comic, leaving little time for many cast members to shine. Jonny Quest, who for some reason, I always thought as the glue that held all of these disparate pieces together, has little to say.

However, I am happy that the Mighty Mightor returns this issue, albeit with a modified theme and pet animal. There are echoes of the Young Samson in his return and I wonder if we will ever see this character added the mix. For some reason, this seems as close as it will ever be, perhaps because of a rights issue. But maybe this is best for now. The comic, as I mentioned above is crowed!

I still like Evan Shaner’s work but I admit that many of his characters tend to look much the same. He has a few body types for teens, strong men, women, and so on. With a cast with as many as four twelve-year-old boys running around, one starts to see the overuse of the stock character rear its head strongly.

The Impossibles’ story was fun. I knew nothing of these characters having not seen them on television as a kid. Craig Rousseau’s art was good and he feels like a potential Archie Comics artist. If he could make his figure a bit less rough and softer, he would be well in the same playground occupied by Evan Shaner and Fiona Staples.

Rating: 9/10

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