Marvel Comics
Dark Wolverine #87
By Hervé St-Louis
June 19, 2010 - 05:36

Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Daniel Way, Marjorie Liu
Penciller(s): Mierco Pierfederici
Inker(s): Mierco Pierfederici
Colourist(s): Mierco Pierfederici
Letterer(s): Cory Petit
Cover Artist(s): Stephanie Hans
$2.99 US

Daken is in Italy acting out some Thomas Mann scenario and playing hunter prey with another man while licking his wounds from his recent betrayal by his father Wolverine. Is Italy safe for pickpockets and lover boys?

I like Daken because he’s just evil and I hate what he does, especially when he wins. I liked this issue, but the continuing crossovers scheduled after this issue are annoying me. When I read this issue, it was picking up from another crossover that had ended in another series and I had to rely on the exposition piece in the first page to understand where the story was at. Readers of a continuing series should never be forced to pick up other books in order to make sense of one series.

Now the exploration of Daken’s weird sexuality was again interesting. It was hinted at that he was gay during the story with Romulus, and it’s strongly hinted here too. Ok, it’s not hinted. They don’t use the words but it’s clear that something weird is going on. I don’t understand why Daken is going soft on both the pickpocket girl and the Italian gigolo, but it’s part of his weird character and it’s at least interesting to read. This story may not be for all readers. It plays with ambiguity to such degree that it may annoy people more than entertain them.

The artwork is good in places but weaker in other ones. Still it captured the ambiguity of the character well. I actually like seeing Daken without his super villain costume more than. The character feels more genuine and his conflicting personality can shine better. The colours were particularly good this issue.

Rating: 7.5/10

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