Toys / Comics to Toys / DC Comics Toys


By Hervé St-Louis
April 3, 2009 - 23:26

I'm using this opportunity to upgrade a new feature to our video games and action figure categories to use the Justice League International's least favourite Green Lantern G'nort, the dog who got his Green Lantern ring in the most dubious circumstances and got to tag along the League for years and annoy the hell out of them.

Our new feature is our image image gallery which allows us to post a series of images neatly and at full size - we won't have to shrink anything anymore!. Just click on a thumbnail and you'll see the full size image.

About G'nort - He started in Justice League International #10 in 1988. He's sculpted as Kevin Maguire originally drew him. Other artists like Joe Staton also worked on G'nort a lot, but the best version would be Adam Hughes'. Too bad that this isn't the version they used for this toy.

Maguire's G'nort is very tall instead of being a dwarf like in other comic books. He also has a beer gut. His nose is pointy. Definitely not my favourite version of the character. He also lacks articulations in his legs. The sculpt is not bad at all, even if the version of the character used is not the best.

Rating: 7.5 /10

Image Gallery:

Last Updated: July 21, 2024 - 13:40

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