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Zorro # 1
By Hervé St.Louis
June 18, 2005 - 18:39

NBM Publishing
Writer(s): Don McGregor
Penciller(s): Sidney Lima
Cover Artist(s): Sidney Lima


Zorro completes Papercutz’ foray into preteens and teens literary adaptation into comic books. What is interesting about this issue of Zorro, is that it’s a new story continuing within a continuity established by writer Don McGregor in the Zorro comic strip from 1999. In this story, former waitress Eulalia Bandini, savagely scarred by Captain Monasterio, is on the run from the her aggressor with Zorro helping her.

This story promises much action and twists. Set in Yellow Stones, there are already two gangs of villains our heroes have to look out for and a new set of allies. This story is filled with action, although there are also lots of talking heads. This series doesn’t feel much like a dumb down story, but there are cracks of the adventure formula plot showing up. The entire first issue is divided in thinly disguised acts where pivotal events happen.

The artwork is cool. It’s dynamic with a good texture and inked line. Trying to pass off as a Manga series, the thick lines will look better once the book is reprinted and collected entirely into a small Manga compilation. Here, they are just too wide. A serious problem with the artist is the lack of comprehension of the flow of action. He continuously draws action scenes from right to left, instead of moving forward from left to right.

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