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Zoo Force: Bean And Nothingness
By Leroy Douresseaux
February 8, 2005 - 14:17

Candle Light Press
Writer(s): John Ira Thomas
Penciller(s): Jeremy Smith
Inker(s): Jeremy Smith
$11.95 US



WRITER: John Ira Thomas

ATIST: Jeremy Smith

ISBN: 0-9743147-7-3; soft cover

B&W, $11.95 (£6.50)

ZOO FORCE: BEAN AND NOTHINGNESS is the return of John Ira Thomas & Jeremy Smith’s unique take on superhero comics and humorous superhero comics. Thomas mixes myth and philosophy with farce and surrealism. His characters are an odd collection of eccentrics (a double whammy) and players trying to overcome the insults of daily living. Smith’s art is similar to Steve Rude and 80’s Matt Wagner, but he’ll draw and create whatever it takes to turn Thomas’ challenging ideas into comics. His art is a shifting landscape of fade ins and outs that mimic traditional panel comics. Zoo Force is comics as if Wes Anderson did comic books. B+

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