Movie Reviews
The Big Empty
By Hervé St.Louis
July 19, 2006 - 10:27

Starring: : Selma Blair, Elias Koteas, Richard Kind, Gabriel Mann
Directed by: Lisa Chang, Newton Thomas Sigel, Alison Smith
Produced by: Erika Armin, Jason Blumenfeld, George Clooney, Daniel Dubiecki, Stephanie Mayes, Steven Soderbergh
Running Time: 20 min
Release Date: 2005
Distributors: Opposable Thumbs/Section Eight

The Big Empty

A librarian feels nothing but an ache down there. She consults many gynaecologists who each give her different causes for her ache and the physical void between her legs. A more adventurous specialist discovers that he can enter his patient and travel a barren frozen world without physical borders. It’s off to the freak circuit and television talk show tour as the scientist presents his new discovery to the world. Can the secretary find a way to suit her aching void? The Big Empty was featured at the Fantasia film festival.

Besides the obvious jokes one can make, it would seem that the ailment the girl is suffering from is a lack of sensitivity. The movie serves as an allegory for the lack of romance of many people these days and perhaps the longing for someone else. It’s a fun short story that also makes fun of itself while driving a message about the state of human affairs. As a librarian, the girl is inundated with information and stimuli. Yet nothing suits her ache.

The cinematography is simple but effective. The special effects toward the end of the film are suitable but not exceptional.

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The Big Empty