Generalissimo El Busho: Essays & Cartoons on The Bush Years
By Hervé St.Louis
September 27, 2004 - 08:53

NBM Publishing
Writer(s): Ted Rall
Penciller(s): Ted Rall
Cover Artist(s): Ted Rall
ISBN: 1-56163-384-4

Generalissimo El Busho: Essays & Cartoons on The Bush Years

Since before George W. Bush became the American president and even during the times of 911 when many abstained, one cartoonist has been denouncing a man he perceives as a bully and anti-democratic. Several of political cartoonist Ted Rall's cartoons, with annotations and comments on media excerpts are collected in this book. But is it funny?

Rall masters irony. It's his best tool for attacking the American president. In each cartoon, one can feel the frustration of the artist with a situation few can explain, within or outside the United States. Yet, Rall continues to use more irony and exposition to ridicule George W. Bush. Much of the jokes in Ted Rall's work will infuriate conservatives or simply fail to be understood by others.

Rall doesn't go for straight caricature. His Bush looks nothing like the real man. Instead, he modelled President Bush after South American dictators fully garbed in military dress. Elf-like ears and a sword complete the costume. Of note in Rall's work is that most of the shots he draws are bust shots. These shots direct our attention on the text that explains the strips' irony.

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Generalissimo El Busho: Essays & Cartoons on The Bush Years