DC Comics
Flash #205
By Koppy McFad
January 10, 2004 - 15:19

DC Comics
Writer(s): Geoff Johns
Penciller(s): Alberto Dose
Cover Artist(s): Alberto Dose

The continuing "Ignition" story-arc in the pages of the Flash has been dark and gloomy so it is only fitting that Batman should finally show up. In this issue, Wally finally regains his memory and the identity of the mystery rogue is revealed. Surprisingly, for an issue with very little action and a lot of static scenes, Johns and Dose give us a fairly compelling tale, mostly by showcasing the emotions of the characters. There is a scene between Wally and Linda which is particularly touching and and a great sequence showing the mighty Uberbat being put in his place by the Flash (literally.)

Dose's shadow-tinted art is an odd mix of Gulacy, Snejberg, Wrightson and probably a few others I can't recognize. Amazingly, it works for this moody Flash-tale. Dose even gets away with such weird stylistic touches like showing Batman's ears protruding from the sides of his mask. This issue also gives us a sneak preview of the next Flash artist, Howard Porter. While Porter has worked on the Flash before, he seems to draw Wally as a rather awkward, muscle-bound figure. Porter will hopefully improve on this title, just as Dose has done.

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