DC Comics
Battle for Bludhaven # 2 (of 6)
By Koppy McFad
April 29, 2006 - 05:07

DC Comics
Writer(s): Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti
Penciller(s): Don Kramer
Inker(s): Justin Gray
Cover Artist(s): Daniel Acuna

We start with a confusing, poorly-designed cover and continue with a confusing, poorly-designed story. There are simply too many characters and too much happening for us to really get into this tale. The crime-ridden city of Bludhaven has been destroyed and now, supervillains, superheroes and the government and searching through the rubble for... something. The mystery is truly intriguing and the creators actually shed some light on it before the end of this issue. But they also fail to create a sense that all of this skullduggery actually amounts to anything. Nor do we sympathize with any of the characters. Many of them are killed rather casually and we feel nothing. Jurgens could have done a better job in making the various factions look different from one another. Many times, it is unclear which side the characters are on. By the way, this is the third DC comic in recent years to have a ruined city being walled off by the government. Are DC writers really just re-treading old ideas? Or were the editors so clueless that they didn't notice that they were doing the same plotline in different titles?

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Battle for Bludhaven # 2 (of 6)
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