DC Comics
Batman: Death and the Maidens #1 (of 9) Second Review
By Koppy McFad
August 21, 2003 - 14:17

DC Comics
Writer(s): Greg Rucka
Penciller(s): Klaus Janson
Inker(s): Klaus Janson
Cover Artist(s): Klaus Janson

This nine-part miniseries is being billed as the most significant Ra's al-Ghul story in decades. And possibly the last al-Ghul story. Considering how overused the character has been in recent years, I would frankly welcome it if DC put the villain on ice for a decade or so.

Still, Rucka has come up with a unique approach-- depicting Ra's as a victim of sorts. In this story, the Demon's Head is going up against a mysterious woman called Nyssa who appears to be as formidable as he is. To the point that even the fearsome al-Ghul is afraid of her.

Ra's al-Ghul also has Batman to worry about. It turns out that the caped crusader has been destroying all of Ra's' rejuvenating Lazarus Pits. Now the arch-villain has begun to age and is reduced to beseeching Batman for help--presumably against the mysterious Nyssa.

Rucka keeps his cards close, so we can only make guesses as to the relationship between Ra's and the woman and why she is so important to his continued survival. There is also the moral dilemma over whether Batman should let his old enemy die. Considering that Ra's is bent on genocide, it doesn't really feel like much of a dilemma to me.

Lest anyone think that this is basically a Ra's al Ghul story with Batman as a guest star, Rucka also delves deeply into Batman's mind, particularly the feelings over his parents' murder. Lots of writers have gone over this territory before but Rucka succeeds in making it affecting without being mawkish or morbid. Whether he can tie Batman's feelings over his parents to this new threat remains to be seen.

Janson's art is suited to this moody tale of dark deeds and darker secrets. Some of the newer readers may find it too different from the highly-detailed art style on "Hush" but after a few pages, it should win them over.

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Batman: Death and the Maidens #1 (of 9) Second Review
Batman: Death and the Maidens #1 (of 9)