DC Comics
The Authority/Lobo: Jingle Hell
By Leroy Douresseau
February 7, 2004 - 13:47

DC Comics
Writer(s): Keith Giffen, Alan Grant
Penciller(s): Simon Bisley
Inker(s): Simon Bisley
Cover Artist(s): Simon Bisley
52 pages, color, $4.95

Keith Giffen & Alan Grant wrote it. Simon Bisley drew it and provided a wonderful “Biz painted” cover. It stars The Authority and Lobo, the crazed, alien mercenary/assassin/hunter, a mega hot 90’s Boom Period character. Plus, THE AUTHORITY/LOBO: JINGLE HELL (subtitled “Paramilitary Xmas II”) is a Christmas story with Lobo in it.

Perhaps, Lobo’s popularity began to wane when fan boys realized that the carnage and brutality depicted in the early Lobo comics were less about gratuitous violence and more about humor and black comedy. The Giffen/Grant/Bisley team quickly and successfully reminds us of how funny Lobo could be, especially when they were the yarn spinners. At $4.95 this is a better buy than most three-dollar comics. Its vulgarity, frank displays of sexuality, and the art’s grungy appearance are hilarious. It’s a good read even though the finale tapers off and reads like an Alan Moore ending.

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The Authority/Lobo: Jingle Hell