DC Comics
All-Star Batman and Robin # 4
By Koppy McFAd
May 27, 2006 - 04:07

DC Comics
Writer(s): Frank Miller
Penciller(s): Jim Lee
Inker(s): Scot Williams
Cover Artist(s): Jim Lee, Scot Williams

"So very bad." That is the thought that comes to mind after finishing this issue. Batman continues to act like a crazed psychopath and Miller continues to act like we should all be in awe of this creep. But at least we get some great art and action, right? Wrong. Most of this issue is devoted to Batman driving the Batmobile into the Bat-cave. That's it. This is the kind of thing Bill Finger and Dick Sprang would devote one panel to, in the old days. This time, we get no plot development, some crude characterization and stereotypical 'macho' inner monologues. Lee and company try to astound us with some scenes of the interior of the Bat-cave but all we see are the soul-less, shiney metal machines that everyone uses in their art nowadays. None of the mystery or mood of earlier versions of the Bat-cave. In this issue, one character thinks to himself, "it just goes on and on." That pretty much sums up this series.

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