DC Comics
Wonder Woman #20
By Avi Weinryb
April 26, 2017 - 23:26

DC Comics
Writer(s): Greg Rucka
Artist(s): Bilquis Evely
Colourist(s): Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letterer(s): Jodi Wynne
Cover Artist(s): Evely & Fajardo Jr.; Variant by Jenny Frison

One thing must be said about Wonder Woman writer Greg Rucka; the guy has a thing for women without faces. No longer delivering us the featureless facial follies of Renee Montoya as The Question, now it’s the fifteen year-old daughter of one Veronica Cale. And in order to get her daughter back to normal, this mother is going to have to pull out all the stops. And yes, that means summoning Circe. Remember her? She was featured in Homer’s Odyssey. As a minor god, she never got the attention she deserved, but over in DC Comics, she’s going to go toe-to-toe with Wonder Woman.

Rucka does Wonder Woman a great service here, bringing her underrated rogues gallery up to speed and demonstrating some strong writing chops in developing an exciting script with delightful dialogue. Circe is a fully realized bundle of trouble and it’s fun seeing her portrayed here.

The art by Bilquis Evely is highly detailed and atmospheric, creating an immersive story. Everything from action to moments of magic are well executed and it often feels as if the reader is peering into the scene from an adjacent room.

Wonder Woman will always be safe in Rucka’s hands. Face or no face, his work is deserving of merit.

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