DC Comics
Wonder Woman #10
By Hervé St-Louis
November 19, 2016 - 09:29

DC Comics
Writer(s): Greg Rucka
Penciller(s): Nicola Scott
Inker(s): Nicola Scott
Colourist(s): Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letterer(s): Jodi Wynne
Cover Artist(s): Nicola Scott, Romulo Fajardo Jr.; Jenny Frison
$2.99, 22 pages

This issue is about Wonder Woman’s first use of her powers upon her arrival in man’s world. Terrorists have attacked a shopping mall and Wonder Woman rises to the occasion to stop them. But she does not know the extent of her powers. Will she be able to counter the fiends effectively?

Greg Rucka is committed to retelling the origin of Wonder Woman and changing what we thought that we knew about her. I know many similar stories have been written but this one should be the boldest one since George Pérez rewrote Wonder Woman in 1985. This story really feels like it was written in the 2010s as opposed to a decade or even two decades earlier.

Story-wise and visually, Rucka and Nicola Scott take great care to depict a world much like ours with the same problems and diversity. In the splash page, we can see interracial couples, gay couples, children and a whole bunch of normal looking folks. The venue chosen by Scott even reminds me of a mall in San Diego where people, store fronts, and the architecture have various colours and shapes.

The story is the classic first hero outing where Wonder Woman triumphs over enemies whose agenda we do not know yet. Unsure of her powers, she reacts boldly and attempts to save as many lives as possible. Rucka also takes great care to give Steve Trevor a lot of action scenes, instead of just standing there.

It’s a good issue although the story is rather formulaic and serves to introduce Wonder Woman to the world. Scott’s art is incredible and very pleasing to watch. She may have become my favourite Wonder Woman artist.

Rating: 9.5/10

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