DC Comics
Wonder Woman # 4
By koppy mcfad
February 24, 2007 - 02:44

DC Comics
Writer(s): Alan Heinberg
Penciller(s): Rachel Dodson, Terry Dodson
Cover Artist(s): Rachel Dodson, Terry Dodson

The powerless Diana Prince travels to the island of Circe to try to get the mantle of Wonder Woman back from the evil enchantress. This issue is a chance for the writer to show what Diana can do without her Amazonian powers backing her up. She handles herself quite well although she is helped by Circe's overconfidence and her apparent fondess for monologuing. Actually, the dialogue is both a strong point and a hinderance to this issue. Some of it is quite clever and reveals the characters' inner feelings well. But a lot of it is just leaden exposition with the bad guys revealing their plans all too easily. The art is gorgeous, giving us a Diana who is powerful, sexy, intimidating but still very human, not the untouchable, plaster goddess of the past. Still, some of the fight scenes are rather crowded and poorly laid-out. Perhaps if the writer just let the artists tell the story, instead of narrating the tale via dialoge, there would be more opportunities for the art to really shine. Three out of five stars.

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