Marvel Comics
Steve Rogers Super Soldier #2 of 4
By Hervé St-Louis
October 3, 2010 - 12:47

Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Ed Brubaker
Penciller(s): Dale Eaglesham
Inker(s): Dale Eaglesham
Colourist(s): Andy Troy
Letterer(s): Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist(s): Carlos Pacheco, Tim Townsend, Frank D'Amarta
$3.99 US

Steve Rogers is in Madripoor, that fictional Marvel Comics island that looks and feel like Singapore to find who is the hitman hired to kill Professor Erskine, the grandson of the original man who created the super soldier formula. However, Rogers is out of luck but soon meets Erskine’s wife, who happens to look much like Rogers’ first love. Is Steve Rogers being set up?

I thought that this series was going to be ongoing. I’m glad to see Marvel Comics cutting off extra series, although this one is quite good. I guess the sales figures aren’t and people had to make choices which included cutting redundant series. It’s true that between this series, Captain America and the Secret Avengers, there was little room left. Still, I liked this issue a lot, although I thought that Rogers was out of character as he bullied himself in the Madripoor underworld to find some answers for his case. Daredevil and Batman can pull off stuff like that. He can’t. The woman who looks like the Rogers’ first love is a made up tear jerker that doesn’t really resonate. The first issue, the mystery was okay. Now, with the reveal, it’s annoying and I wish they do away with that subplot and never resuscitate it ever again.

Eaglesham is of course the hero of this series and the only reason I’m buying this series. His Steve Rogers is the best looking one I’ve seen in a while. His work is clean and like a classic comic book. He’s just a super pro in this series.

Rating: 8/10

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