Pop Culture
SteamPunk Music Video? Oh Yes.
By Patrick Oliver
March 27, 2011 - 13:57


I'm a fan of most science fiction and fantasy, I'm by no means an expert, but I have read a few books and enjoyed a few films over the years. I've had a passing interest in Steampunk and Victoriana for a little while now, and have only just realised how much I have been gravitating toward it and noticing its influences on a broader scale recently. If you are curious about the Steampunk genre, have a look here for a very cool introduction to the subject by my colleague Philip Schweier.

Keep an eye out in the coming months for Steampunk related material I'll be sharing with you, be it comic books (both current and backlist), resource links, music videos, movies or television series.

All of which brings us to Panic! at the Disco and their record, 'The Ballad of Mona Lisa'. I heard this song a little while back and was struck by how good it was and how certain small elements of it reminded me of English alternative rock band, Muse. I looked for the video to the song, and what should I find but a very fetching video that fits in nicely with and actually inspired this little ramble.


I hope you like it.

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