DC Comics
Six Pack and Dog Welder #5
By Hervé St-Louis
January 3, 2017 - 10:08

DC Comics
Writer(s): Garth Ennis
Penciller(s): Russ Braun
Inker(s): Russ Braun
Colourist(s): John Kalisz
Letterer(s): Pat Brosseau
Cover Artist(s): Steve Dillon, John Kalisz

After finding out the secret origin of Dog Welder and the power he wields, the team must save the universe from an expanding star that threatens the life of very human on Earth. They steal and space shuttle but in the process, Six Pack has a heart to heart chat with Dog Welder. This cannot be a good thing.

I’m tired of this series. It’s not very good and I have to force myself to read it every month. The brief moments of comedy are submerged in plain silliness and crass. But there is an audience for this. It’s between the reader of the Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis Justice League and Garth Ennis’s Preacher. For that reader, and those who ones who followed the appearances of these characters in Ennis’s Hitman, they’ll enjoy the cheesy soap opera and the mocking of the super hero genre and tropes.

Russ Braun is the best part of this comic. I like how lively his characters look. His range of settings and characters is great. I like how crisp his lines are and his characters expressions.

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