DC Comics
Review: Lobo Road Runner
By Philip Schweier
July 13, 2017 - 14:27

DC Comics
Writer(s): Bill Morrison
Artist(s): Kelly Jones; Bill Morrison
Colourist(s): Michelle Madsen
Letterer(s): Rob Leigh; Saida Temofonte
Cover Artist(s): Kelly Jones, Michelle Madsen

Wiley Coyote has a job for the Main Man. For decades he has been pursuing the Road Runner along the highways of the American Southwest. So when one of his fellow inmates at Area 51 helps him slip the surly bonds of earth and journey into space, he’s able to recruit Lobo to help him take down the bird that has been his bane of existence for decades.

But Lobo is a man of principles, and he’s not about to discard a paying gig just to join the Coyote’s crusade. So he forces his latest contract, enabling Wile E. to lay his hands on potentially one the most powerful weapons in the universe.

For Looney Tunes fans, this issue features a few choice cameos and references that bring back the old days. It also comes with a back-up story told in a more kid friendly, all-ages style, courtesy of Warner Brothers Legal Department, Fly in the Ointment Division. Lobo bears a little resemblance from he guest starred on Superman the Animated Series, but not so much we have this odd mix of Chuck Jones and Bruce Timm.

It’s a fun read, and kudos to Bill Morrison for pulling it off. Figuring out a way to feature characters from such widely differing universes can’t be easy, but Morrison did very well. The main story features the artwork of Kelly Jones, which seems an odd choice, but given the story’s EC overtones, maybe not. Jones’ work has always evoked that style, without copying it too closely.

Rating: 9/10

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