K-On! Volume 3
By Chris Zimmerman
August 28, 2011 - 09:23

Yen Press
Writer(s): Kakifly
Penciller(s): Kakifly
Letterer(s): Hope Donovan
ISBN: 978-0-316-18762-6
$11.99 US

K-On! takes a unique approach to telling its story, skipping forward one year with every volume to depict a year in the lives of its lead girls. Of course a year is hardly enough for time for them to mellow out, showing that they are still as frisky as ever. And that’s just how we like them.

The early portions of the volume typify their over-the-top behavior as the gang decides to put their collective noggins together in helping Mio get over her stage fright, resulting in her working at a maid café.  Of course Mio’s the draw of Mio’s character is her bashful nature, thus ensuring that the band’s plan will fail spectacularly, though like any car wreck, it’s impossible to turn away.

The rest of the volume devotes its chapters to showcasing the personalities of the girls. Among the most noteworthy chapters are those found at the tail end of the book, focusing on the meeting between Mio and Ritsu. The chapter breaks away from the usual 4-paneled setup, giving it a special feel from the rest of the volume. The chapter reflects on the pair’s childhood and shows how their characters have changed over the years.

We also see how the years begin wearing on the girls minds, with their university years ahead of them it’s only natural that they begin thinking about their futures. Yui in particular is concerned about what career might await her down the road.

Volume 3 of K-On! is another entry in 4-paneled irreverence. The series is akin to cotton candy; sweet and tasty, but ultimately not enough to fill you. Still, while it’s not the most original nor substantial title of its genre, delightful characters and charming humor will ensure readers come back for another dose.

Rating: 8/10

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