Jack Frost Volume 5
By Chris Zimmerman
June 9, 2011 - 12:02

Yen Press
Writer(s): JinHo Ko
Penciller(s): JinHo Ko
Letterer(s): Jose Macasocol, Jr.
ISBN: 978-0-316-12675-5
$11.99 US

If you are among those looking to find out what happens in the latest volume of Jack Frost, I would suggest looking to every volume that has come before: Nonstop fights that roll over into other volumes without any rhyme or reason. It’s one thing to be an action oriented title, it’s another to go several volumes without any story progression and for the same time to have fighting for the sake of fighting. I can understand if the fate of the world is at stake or something along those lines but that’s not the case here.

Jack Frost is yet another supernatural beat-‘em-up series that follows the titular protagonist as he combats demons and the like for the sake of his own amusement. This leaves the plot feeling one dimensional, especially considering the lack of progression. Sure, there are other characters that share the spotlight, such as the busty Helmina and the innocent Noh-A, but so little is known about their desires and motivations to prevent them from being labled as anything but cookie-cutter.

The enjoyment one gets out of the volume depends heavily on their expectations of the action. If typical shonen style battles is what you’re into then this volume will be pure bliss. If however, you want your battles to infused with creativity, then you’re better off looking elsewhere. Aside from a surprise ending, the page-length of the volume is devoted to the characters laying a pounding on each other.

The method of distracting from the story using continuous fights is acceptable to some, and even works from time to time, but unless the plot picks up in some fashion, Jack Frost will be best left chilling on the shelves.

Rating: 6.5/10

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