Comics News
Israeli Comics and Caricature Museum Opens New Exhibit
By Avi Weinryb
June 15, 2008 - 06:57




When people try to think about Israel and comics, it can be hard to come up with anything. Sure, there’s the X-Men character, Sabra, an Israeli. Then there’s the Rutu Modan book ‘Exit Wounds’, published in North America by Drawn and Quartlerly, which people were raving about a few years ago. And that’s it. Or is it?


Many do not realize that Israel has an incredibly rich history of comics and illustration. In Holon , Israel , the Israeli Comics and Caricature Museum seeks to display the diverse works created by local talent. A new exhibit focuses on specifically Hebrew comics – some created before the establishment of the state.


The new exhibit is titled Hebrew Comics Part I - The First Years 1935-1975. It features a wide range of creators and works, including many rare illustrations. The exhibiton includes meetings with the curators, participating comics writers and comics researchers. There will also be a focus on the comic output during the era surrounding the Yom Kippur War.

The exhibit runs through July 30 at the Israeli Comics and Caricature Museum , 61 Weizmann Street , Holon . For more information, visit  

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