DC Comics
Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #19
By Philip Schweier
April 26, 2017 - 08:59

DC Comics
Writer(s): Robert Venditti
Penciller(s): V. Ken Marion
Inker(s): Dexter Vines
Colourist(s): Dinei Ribeiro
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, Tomeu Morey; Kevin Nowlan

Thanks to CW’s DC Legends of Tomorrow TV show, Rip Hunter isn’t quite the forgotten hero he once was. So it was about time he would be revived and re-imagined for a new audience, and he makes his initial appearance in Hal Jordan. But why is he wearing a Green Lantern ring?

Rip has traveled through time (cuz that’s what time travelers do), bringing with him contradicting references to events that have yet to happen – cuz that’s another thing time travelers do. Meanwhile, a new threat arises. Is he the heir-apparent to the Yellow Lanterns he claims to be, or is he just another poser out to challenge the Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps alliance? Time will tell.

I was underwhelmed with the pencils of V. Ken Marion last issue, but this time, I’m starting to dig it. He seems to have almost adopted an entirely new style of rendering. Or perhaps it’s a greater merging of his talent with that of inker Dexter Vines. Does not matter. The artwork is strong and well-suited to the cosmic scope of the Green Lantern franchise.

I’m curious to see how Rip Hunter fares in this adventure, and if perhaps a new title will be launched. It’s certainly has potential, and is one of many long-dormant properties DC Comics would do well to invest in. There has been a number of crossovers between the mainstream DC Universe and Hanna-Barbera. Why not more of the forgotten characters of DC Silver Age?

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