DC Comics
Detective Comics #954
By Paul Mason
April 14, 2017 - 10:39

DC Comics
Writer(s): James Tynion IV
Artist(s): Marcio Takara
Colourist(s): Marelo Maiolo
Letterer(s): Sal Cipriano
Cover Artist(s): Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Adriano Lucas; Rafael Albuquerque


This issue opens with Batman facing off against the formidable R’as all Ghul. After a brief exchange Batman lowers the cage over R’as and a dialogue ensues basically an exposition about the origin of the League of Shadows, how they are an offshoot of League of Assassin’s that was co-opt ed by the Lady Shiva.

It appears R’as and Batman former uneasy truce but of course R’as being the demon he almost immediately betrays Batman.


Full disclosure I skipped most of the Grant Morrison run on  Batman but was a huge fan of Scott Snyder. Tynion at least assisted in some of Snyder’s plotting, and is an impressive heir to take over the reins of Detective. There is a multilayered plot with intrigue and action in this series and this arc and issue in particular. My favourite part was how well Tynion seems to grasp the character of R’as and flush him out throughout the issue with both straight narrative and the use of flashbacks.

I was at first a little taken aback by the art aS its almost painted and although it is lush there are few clean lines and sharp features and this being the first issue of Detective I had read in a while my initial reaction was it stylistically clashed with the story, but as I read it grew on me.

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