Marvel Comics
Captain America – Theater of War: America First
By Philip Schweier
December 29, 2008 - 07:45

Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Howard Chaykin
Penciller(s): Howard Chaykin
Inker(s): Howard Chaykin
Colourist(s): Edgar Delgado
Letterer(s): Dave Lanphear
Cover Artist(s): Howard Chaykin
$4.99 US, 44 pgs

America First presents a seldom seen, almost unknown era in the history of the Star-spangled Avenger. Originally, Cap survived the final days of World War II, joining the fight against communism in the early 1950s. But in the wake of the Frederic Wertham affair, as comic books fell out of favor, many super-heroes faded away. Years later, when Marvel Comics created the Avengers and quite literally revived Captain America, his brief stint in the 1950s was ignored and his history rewritten.

Like many of Howard Chaykin’s stories, America First is politically charged as Cap takes on Sen. Joe McMurphy, a thinly-veiled counterpart to real life Sen. Joe McCarthy. In his day, McCarthy spearheaded a senate witch-hunt, looking for communists in every possible hiding place.  He saw patriotism as black and white, with Reds all over. The comic book version isn’t much different, except for the fact that McMurphy is actually concealing a more insidious secret.

The story is simple enough, but it is the manner in which it is told that makes it interesting. Chaykin spent several years writing for television, and has developed a cinematic writing style involving overlapping dialogue and voiceovers. It can be difficult to follow if you’re not accustomed to it, but a little effort goes a long way.

Chaykin’s art is fresh and his research into period settings is meticulous. Some purists may find it too stylized – there have been complaints of awkward anatomy in his artwork – but it is merely the natural evolution of an experienced storyteller with several decades in the comic book field. While many artists of Chaykin’s generation have become stagnant in their abilities, he has instead chosen to adapt and, as he has described it, reinvent himself. The result is classic Howard Chaykin artwork reminiscent of his Time(2) material from the 1980s, but with a definite 21st century flair.

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