Marvel Comics
By Koncise
June 26, 2005 - 17:18

Writer(s): Brian K. Vaughan
Penciller(s): Stuart Immonen
Inker(s): Wade Von Grawbadger
Cover Artist(s): Stuart Immonen

Ultimate X-Men #60
Storm travels to the Great White North to find her missing friend, and the duo soon encounter a terrifying new threat--a classic Marvel villain making their Ultimate debut!

This story is finally addressing one of the ramifications from the Cry Wolf (#50 – 53) arc. This is good for the reader, as you get to see there is a bigger picture involved. The story has its roots in the past and the debuting villain is linked to one of Xavier’s own. Vaughan also plays on certain aspects that Bendis put in play. The timeline could have been pinpointed a little more, for understanding sake (how long were they crippled, etc). And you could ask why everyone needs to be linked in some way. But other than that, this is a pretty good story.

I really liked the opening sequence of this story (from #59). It’s dynamic, bold and Immonen does a good job of capturing the speed of the situation. It also does show some of his weaknesses as well. Sometimes the characters are rather angular and he really has this funky thing going on with hair lol Whenever Storm uses her powers, it looks good. And this is highlighted near the end of issue #60. We also get a great image of a flying Wolverine (I’m not kidding).

Report Card - C

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Koncise an out :)

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