DC Comics
Superman Batman #13
By Koppy McFad
December 1, 2004 - 10:01

DC Comics
Writer(s): Jeph Loeb
Penciller(s): Michael Turner
Cover Artist(s): Michael Turner

The conclusion to the "return of Supergirl" storyline has Superman in single combat against Darkseid. It is one of the best Superman-Darkseid fights in recent years with both characters showing their grandeur and power. If some of the dialogue is a bit stilted-- well, we aren't reading this for the words, are we? Frankly, the fight is the only highlight of the story. The mystery over this new Supergirl isn't completely resolved and it seems obvious that there will soon be a sequel to this tale, explaning where this girl came from. Readers who bought all the issues, expecting some kind of clear explanation at the end will feel cheated. However, those who were just waiting for some facsimilie of Kara Zor-El to come back will be elated. She is a good-looking, spunky kid but just doesn't seem to be star-material, no matter how often the writer tells us what a gift from Heaven she is. Turner does well in capturing the more flashy aspects of the story-- the battle with Darkseid, the Source Wall, the hot-looking chick-- but he seems to fall short in the more mundane aspects. The scene with all the superheroes standing around, just makes them look stiff and posed, like for a bad high school yearbook.

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