News Pop! 10/11/06
By Eli Green
October 11, 2006 - 15:25


Sid Meier's Railroads has gone gold

2K announced today that its development studio, Firaxis Games, maker of the Civilization series and Pirates, will be releasing a gold master version of its hit game Sid Meier's Railroads. The game will be available in North America October 17th and in Europe October 27th, marking the return of of the most beloved strategy titles of all time. The game will be returning in a vibrant, fully 3D world, with new multiplayer options, in-game customization tools, a streamlined interface and a brand new gameplay system. The game will put players in charge of building a rail empire – managing trains, cargo, and their money – while engaging in corporate warfare with rival railroad tycoons, entrepreneurs and robber barons. Meier is ecstatic to be working on this game again saying, “It’s a dream come true to be reunited with a game I created early in my career,” and went on to describe the changes to the game. “This re-imagining of the original will deliver exciting and challenging gameplay experiences for years to come.” For all the information you could want on the game and more, like information on the trains, rail barons and to see screenshots, go to Sid Meier's Railroads is rated E for Everyone.


FIFA Interactive World Cup 2006 announced

FIFA, EA and Xbox have partnered up this year to host the third annual FIFA Interactive World Cup or FIWC. Starting October 27th, soccer fans from around the world will have the chance to compete in the world's only FIFA-sanctioned global video game tournament. Players will be going up against each other on Xbox 360 and Xbox Live, playing FIFA 07. Currently, there are only six locations set to host the tournament, none of which are in the U.S. or Canada. Brazil, Denmark, Spain, South Africa, Hungary and Germany will be hosting the tournament's qualifier events, all on Saturdays, and up to twenty additional qualifiers will be held in will be taking place in other locations around the globe including, the U.S., U.K., the Netherlands and Russia, also presumably on Saturdays.

Winners of the qualifier events will progress to the Grand Final in Amsterdam, on December 9th. The group of finalists will number 128 this year, and will be battling it out for the grand prize of $20,000 USD and a trip to Zurich, Switzerland for the FIFA World Cup Player Gala, on December 18th. There's good news for onlookers at the qualifier events too. There will be activities available away from the competition, such as a real-life soccer skills test area and live music from up and coming DJs. For more information on the tournament, including dates and qualifier event locations, go to and click on the Interactive World Cup link.

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