Comics News
Komikwerks Creators Set to Make an Appearance at Phoenix Comicon 2006
By Editor
September 20, 2006 - 23:30

Komikwerks announced this week that Shannon Eric Denton,
company founder and author of recent comics "Zapt!" for Tokyopop,
"Tabula Rasa" for Desperado/Image, and "Grunts" for Arcana will be a
guest at this weekend's Phoenix Comicon 2006.
"The Phoenix show has been around a few years but this will be my
first time I've been able to make it", Denton said "which I'm very
excited about because this year's show looks to be the best ever. The
Komikwerks alumni and I are going to be in great company with the
all-star guests they have lined up."

In addition to Denton, Komikwerks creators set to make an appearance
at the show include "Marvel Team Up" artist Andy Kuhn, "Zapt!" artist
Armand Villavert Jr. and "Tabula Rasa" artist Matt Jacobs.

Denton will be on hand with copies of the Komikwerks anthologies
containing the works of all the alumni and he'll also be talking about
Komikwerks and the Actionopolis line during several of the panels he's
Denton will also be unveiling the finished Actionopolis book line for
the first time at a convention. Actionopolis books are hardcover
illustrated prose novels. Comic pros like Dan Mishkin, Tom Mandrake,
Adam Beechen, Dan Hipp, Rob M. Worley, Mike Dubisch, Gary Reed, Rick
Hoberg, Bruce Zick, Christopher E. Long, Michael Geiger, JJ Hart and
Will Meugniot have created these special action adventure stories for
Young Readers and those young at heart.
Although they previewed at earlier shows, this will be the first
chance comic fans have to see the finished product.
"We couldn't be more ecstatic about the way the Actionopolis books
have come out," said Denton. "We hope everyone at the show swings by, says 'Howdy' and takes a look at the books!"
Information and previews of the current slate of Actionopolis titles
can be seen at
Or check out Komikwerks' website at
For more information about the Phoenix Comic-Con visit