Comics News
Classic Novel Adapted For Comics
By The Editor
February 25, 2006 - 18:24

Eureka Productions announces the publication of Graphic Classics: Rafael Sabatini, the thirteenth volume in the Graphic Classics series of graphic novels.

The Graphic Classics series presents the works of great authors in comics adaptations and heavily-illustrated text. The adaptations are written at an adult level, and utilize as much of the authorĀ¹s original language as possible. Our goal is to create books that are enjoyable for adults, yet accessible to children ages twelve and up. This volume is a bit of a departure in that it features the works of one of the lesser-known authors in the series. One of the goals of Graphic Classics is to present adaptations of the works of worthy authors who may be unfamiliar to today's readers.

Graphic Classics: Rafael Sabatini features the origin of Sabatini's famed gentleman pirate "Captain Blood", adapted by Rod Lott and Carlo Vergara. Also, a great selection of mysteries and adventure tales illustrated by Stanley Shaw, Rich Tommaso, Roger Langridge, Jackie Smith, Milton Knight, Gerry Alanguilan and Hunt Emerson. With a comics bio of Sabatini by Mort Castle, and cover depiction of Captain Blood by Joel F. Naprstek.