Comics News
By The Editor
April 26, 2005 - 17:22

Acclaimed artist Ed Benes, whose run on SUPERMAN begins with next month ' s issue #217 (MAR050384), has extended his exclusive agreement with DC Comics for an additional three years.

" I ' m really honored to know that DC wants to continue to work with me, " says Benes. " I ' m even more honored to have the opportunity to have the chance to draw Superman. It ' s a dream come true for me! And with the Man of Steel came the chance to work with some of the greatest professionals that I ' ve ever met: Mark Verheiden, who writes truly amazing stories, Eddie Berganza and Tom Palmer, Jr., my editors who take very good care of me, and Rod Reis, a Brazilian fellow who ' s the colorist of the book! I hope to continue working with DC for many years to come. So far, it has been a blast! "

" Following Jim Lee is not easy, but Ed is doing a phenomenal job, " says Group Editor Eddie Berganza. " I ' ve loved his stuff since he was doing GEN13 and SUPERGIRL, and that ' s nothing compared to what he ' s bringing to the table on SUPERMAN! Ed ' s known for his hot women, and he ' s got some great storytelling and powerful action going on too... and yeah, the ladies are still fine!