DC Comics
Jla : Work Week
By The Editor
July 6, 2004 - 15:03

DC Comics

DC Comics made people think that this comic book was gonna be funny. It wasn't, but it was darn good. It's written by Palton Oswalt, from THE KING OF QUEENS and LATE NIGHT and drawn by Patrick Gleason, the upcoming artist on the JSA. This story follows the Marlus Randone, a teenager who writes a zine on super heroes. Marlus, left by error on the JLA's satellite for a week, chronicles what he everything he sees.

The story's pace is quick and full of little vignettes. Marlus shares his perception on each member of the JLA. Of note, his description of the Martian Manhunter as a Bob Dylan to Superman's Elvis is refreshing. Marlus goes from loving Batman, hating him and loving him again, by the end of the story. Simultaneously, we're treated to some Grant Morrison-like tales of incredible menaces challenging the League.

The art by Gleason is incredible. In a way, it fits well with the over the top work we've received from artists such as Doug Mahnke, Miller and others. What I really liked was how he differentiated each character. There's even a scene where Wonder Woman, in a mud bath wet dream, looks like a baby doll, while in other scenes, her distinctive looks are different. This one shot was great, although it wasn't very funny.

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