DC Comics
Green Lantern Corps: Recharge # 1
By Koppy McFad
September 24, 2005 - 04:54

DC Comics
Writer(s): Geoff Johns, Dave Gibbons
Penciller(s): Patrick Gleason, Christian Alamy
Cover Artist(s): Patrick Gleason, Christian Alamy


Guy Gardner, Gleason and Alamy steal the show in the first issue of this miniseries on the revival of the Green Lantern Corps. Kyle and Guy are called from Earth to help Kilowog reorganize the corps, both with old hands and new recruits from all over the universe. But a mysterious force has been killing off the new Green Lanterns even before they can go into action. Meanwhile the Guardians of the Universe ponder the emerging changes over the DC universe. Guy's impulsive irreverence makes him the strongest character in the series although the writing team seem to realize that this jerk-act of his could start getting old real soon. The story is intriguing and whets the reader's appetite for the rest of the story without overloading him with details. The art is truly epic in scope while remaining intimate in detail. The aliens look like actual people with feelings and thoughts, not just weird-looking creatures in the background. This issue shows great promise, for both the miniseries and the forthcoming GREEN LANTERN CORPS. regular title.

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