Emerald Crusoe
By Matt Adler
April 17, 2006 - 18:41


Hi Mark, this is Matt Adler, from the website. I want to thank you for taking the time to do this interview, and also Kevin for setting it up. Here we go:

(1) - Matt Adler: Before we get started, I'd like to hear a little about you, Mark... you're relatively new to Marvel, having joined just in the past couple of years. You came from Tokyopop, a manga publisher, which is one of the fastest growing categories of comics, and Marvel cited that as a reason they brought you on board. So how does your background with Tokyopop fit into what you're doing at Marvel these days?

Mark Paniccia: The truth is that I worked for Marvel before about 10 years ago. I was brought on through the Malibu acquisition and stayed on for a few more years. So monthly comics aren’t new to me but definitely a change of pace after working on original graphic novels that took up to a year and a half to develop.

(2) - M.A: Have you used anything you gathered from your time at Tokyopop on your projects at Marvel?

M.P: My eyes are more open than before to the potential of the female market. Cracking it has always been a goal of mine because I know it’s possible, but you need the right tools for it. Right now the key is developing characters who speak to that market, and female creators are a big part of that. My hope is that we can move forward with projects relevant to that readership.

(3) - M.A: Now, to the main event... what is Planet Hulk?

M.P: The next great HULK epic. It’s the story of the century. It’s what will make Hulk fans freak out every way from Sunday.

(4) - M.A: This ties-in to the larger Illuminati storyline over in New Avengers... was that connection something planned from the start, or was it just a convenient plot hook once you realized the HULK needed a change of scenery?

M.P: The idea to send HULK in space was something brewing for a bit and the Illuminati connection came very organically. While we discussed future plans for the Marvel U., things just starting falling into place.

(5) - M.A: Will there be any other tie-ins?

M.P: There will be a resolution to PLANET HULK and Civil War. I can’t talk about that but it’s going to be one heck of a ride.

(6) - M.A: Peter David left the Hulk after two arcs (followed by an interim arc by Daniel Way), and now Greg Pak has taken over. What was the reason for the change? Was it simply an issue of sales, and if so, how do you think this new storyline will help?

M.P: Peter David did an excellent stint on HULK and ended up leaving the title because of other commitments including his successful re-launch of X-FACTOR and his awesome current run on FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN (and don’t forget, he’s working on four-issues of MARVEL ADVENTURES SPIDER-MAN). Daniel Way’sPeace n Our Time” pitch organically allowed us to take HULK and put him in an environment where we could let him cut loose.

(7) - M.A: What made Greg Pak the right man for the job?

M.P: Greg and I have a great working relationship and he’s got an incredible imagination. He also has an enormous love and respect for the HULK. If you’ve read the first part of PLANET HULK, you’ll see all the reasons why he’s right for the book. The world he’s created is rich with detail and its populated with amazing characters.

(8) - M.A: Carlo Pagulayan is the artist. He's a fairly new name, and with many of your projects, you've made artistic choices that seem to be "thinking outside of the box." Is that a conscious effort, and how do you go about scouting artistic talent for various projects?

M.P: Editorially, we thought he was the right guy to launch the arc. He’s a star in the making and every page that comes in just blows us away. Besides being a great story teller, he’s also a great character designer and that’s important because we’re seeing a lot of new alien species in this series.

Also, we've had some really great guest artist jump in for some flashback sequences. In 94, we get to learn more about some of Hulk's crew with help from Alex Nino (the Brood sequence), Mike Oeming and Mike Allred (the Thor sequence) and Marshall Rogers and Mike Allred (the HULK sequence). Fun stuff all around. We'll be doing more of that, too.

(9) - M.A: In the House of M arc, the Hulk took on the role of an aborigine, and the preview art for Planet Hulk has shown the Hulk in gladiator-type accoutrements, complete with a big sword, and the suggestion that he might even seek to dominate this society. Are you consciously playing with the traditional Hulk imagery, in putting him into different roles and looks? And are there elements of a certain famous sword-and-sandals barbarian consciously injected here?


M.P: In regards to the first question, yeah!

As for the second, I could see where one would draw comparisons, but I think these paths are very natural for the character.

(10) - M.A: Planet Hulk has been described as essentially Ancient Rome, with a smattering of futuristic technology, such as lasers. That strikes me almost like putting suitcase nukes in the hands of cavemen. Will it be explored in depth how such radical and unnatural changes would affect the development of a society?

M.P: You’ll see that these are smart races. Their grasp on the technology that they’ve happened upon has been devoured and exploited by their scientists and engineers. They are still steeped in traditions and culture so there is a nice balance of new and old.

(11) - M.A: We've heard that the technology (and the Hulk) reaches this planet through a cosmic portal. Is there a mystery behind that portal that will be explored further?

M.P: I think right now we feel it’s more of a natural phenomenon than something externally created. We’ll be getting into theories that the aliens have.

(12) - M.A: What's the connection to the Death's Head story now running in Amazing Fantasy?

MP: The AMFAN Death’s Head is from PLANET HULK (or Sakaar to be precise). That story takes place roughly 75 years in the future on Earth and involves a Death’s Head Guard that’s been reactivated by A.I.M. Senior Scientist, Varina Goddard, the daughter of Carmilla Black (the New Scorpion). You’ll learn more about the Death’s Head Guard’s history in the pages of PLANET HULK and in the PLANET HULK Guidebook coming out in July.

(13) - M.A: Besides the Death's Head connection, you've reinstated a lot of what the old feel of Marvel was, where characters and references to other books pop up unexpectedly in others (such as the Scorpion popping up during the Hulk House of M arc), without becoming inaccessible. How does that "shared universe" aspect fit into your editorial thinking, and what do you see as the benefits of it?

M.P: It’s a big part of the process for me. I think it’s a way to show that these new characters are important and that there’s a place for them in the Marvel U. That there’s a certain connectivity in the office. Everything is planned out as best as possible and that nothing is arbitrary. Characters and plot points are meant to pay off and get readers speculating.

It worked for me when I was growing up reading Marvel books and I think fans still appreciate it today.

(14) - M.A: In addition to Amazing Fantasy, Howling Commandos is coming to an end as well. With both of those books, you tried to do stuff that was very different from what we typically see in mainstream comics, but the market didn't respond. Did you take anything from that experience in developing this Hulk project?

M.P: It’s hard to bring new characters into the current market and anthologies are never big sellers, but with PLANET HULK we have the advantage of one of Marvel’s heavy hitters behind the cast. And there’s a huge story developing that will circle around at the appropriate time, beyond Civil War and the end of PLANET HULK.

(15) - M.A: Where do you stand on "Hulk Smash" vs. the more "psychological" Hulk stories, and where does Planet Hulk fit into that debate?

M.P: I think that each has it’s place in HULK lore and I have enjoyed them both. PLANET HULK will give readers a healthy dose of action but there will be quieter internal moments. You’ll see Banner pop up for the first time in the GIANT SIZE HULK coming in June.

(16) - M.A: Give us some details on the upcoming Giant-Size HULK comic. Does it tie-in with PLANET HULK?

M.P: There’s an untold story of the HULK vs. The Champions that plants a few seeds for future events. It’s written by Peter David and illustrated by Juan Santacruz. I love this story because it takes me back. You’ve got Angel in that cool red costume and the rest of what—to me—is one of Marvel’s weirdest super-group next to the original Defenders. Then we’ve got a story involving Bruce Banner on PLANET HULK written by Greg Pak and illustrated by Aaron Lopresti (who’ll be drawing the second arc, Anarchy, while Pagulayan starts on the third arc, Allegiance).

(17) - M.A: Any plans for a new love interest for the Hulk?

M.P: Can’t spoil.

(18) - M.A: Any hints as to the lasting impact Planet Hulk will have on the Hulk and Bruce Banner?

M.P: It’s going to change things big time and if I have my way, scar Bruce for the rest of his life. That’s all I can say.

(19) - M.A: The story is planned to be 14 issues. Are you concerned about readers' attention spans, and how you'll be able to keep interest in the storyline over the long haul?

M.P: The arcs are so powerful and integral to HULK that you’ll barely have time to breathe.

(20) - M.A: Lastly, and this isn't really a question, but humor me... how about The Champion? He's one of the Elders of the Universe, and his shtick is that he travels the universe seeking out battle and conflict, just for the fun of the challenge. Seems like he'd be a natural guest-star for this storyline. Ah well...
a man can dream, can't he?

M.P: HULK’s got a lot of challenges coming his way, one of which is a knock down, dragged-out, arena-busting fight with the Silver Surfer. So he’s got his hands pretty much full on this planet.

M.A: Thanks Mark!

If you want to check for releases and other info on Planet Hulk, checkout

Oh, Mark mentioned that in July a Planet Hulk Guidebook would be hitting the stands......well, we thought you might like to see what the cover looks like :)


If you'd like to see a larger version, just click here!

Planet Hulk Issue Checklist


And don’t forget to stop by our Forums and let everyone know what your thinking about the storyline…or anything else for that matter.