Comics News
Introducing “Brimstone and The Borderhounds” comic book launching this October
By The Editor
September 1, 2010 - 02:45

Is Brimstone and The Borderhounds  yet another comic book to hit the stands?  No. What actually makes this comic different than the others? Just about everything! For starters, co-creator William Kucmierowski better known by his professional wrestling stage name “Brimstone,” has been hands on with this project since day one. “We started moving on this project in 2005 and I refused to launch the title until it was nothing but perfect!” says Brimstone. “With more line-up changes than Spinal Tap; we have finally secured our dedicated team and are full steam ahead” says co-creator and lead writer, Marcello Carnevali.

Unlike many other brands today, the creative team behind “Brimstone and the Borderhounds” is a family. Brimstone is dedicated to giving opportunity to bright young undiscovered and up and coming talent. Just like in professional wrestling, music, film, radio etc. – there are millions of hopefuls who need that chance to shine. Well, the Borderhounds team does just that. “We have been working with penciler, Sajad Shah, since the conception of the title. He has got to be one of the most talented untapped resources in the entire industry!” says Brimstone. “Shah is the definition of the phrase, ‘Diamond in the Rough.’ Today, the internet is filled with so much media that it is hard to distinguish the good stuff from the junk.” says Carnevali. Inker Allen ‘Vandal’ Chickering is certainly no newcomer to the comic book industry and has become a serious asset to the creative team. The team recently welcomed their newest addition, Thiago Castro, who has taken the reigns of colorist and lettering duties. “Castro’s take on the ‘Hounds color scheme is like a dark twisted carnival for the eyes! The entire team is excited to have him working with us!” says Brimstone.   “Brimstone and The Borderhounds” offers a refreshing independent feel with a professional edge which helps this title stand out. Plans for special guest appearances are already under way kicking off with Robb Demarest of the Syfy Channel’s, “Ghost Hunter’s International.” “Considering we share a similar audience, we feel that utilizing Robb in our story arc will garner interest with fans who are interested in life after death” says Brimstone.

With an Xbox LIVE video game already in production via SGN Games, discussions for a potential animated series and plans to expand into Television and Film in the future; the “Brimstone and The Borderhounds” brand is well on its way to making serious waves and seeking out their rightful place amongst the iconic super-hero elite!

Series Synopsis:

To many, Hell is a place of demons and fire. The place where all evil souls go to be tortured for the rest of eternity; and Heaven is the place where good people go to eat ice cream and float on clouds. Unfortunately, it's all a load of crap. Hell is just a place in another reality, like Long Island but not as annoying. A floating hunk of existence filled with barren wastelands and a single major metropolis spanning 1,000 times the size of New York City. When you die, good or bad, you might come here. It turns out that the natural cycle of existence is to just bounce around realities after the physical vessel dies. Physics dictates that energy cannot be destroyed just changed, so we are born, we live, we die and we go to another reality. Whether Hell, Heaven, Nirvana, Hades, Elysium or any other; everyone that has ever died, ever, in any world in our universe goes somewhere. Those unlucky enough to surf the inter-dimensional nexus and end up in "Hell" are brought to a city where the gate reaches over a mile height, not to keep anyone out, but to keep everyone in. The powers that are have bought into the myth of Hell, and have created a large corporate empire for the sole purpose of obtaining the most precious commodity known, Souls. Souls that arrive (the ones that don't get plucked by other competing corporate realities) are processed and sent to their containment facilities to be put into the Slave labor force. Just like any third world country on the closed border of better places, where there is only the rich elite and the extremely destitute (i.e. souls that end up there), there is a considerable black market operation for smuggling souls out of "Hell" and back to respective points of origin or to a higher paying competitor. Because of this, "Satan"(One of the original inhabitants of Hell, a former janitor, who has taken his position WAY too seriously), has created The Department for Retrieval and Prevention; a police unit to capture "Weepers" (named because most souls just moan and cry that they don't belong there) and "Kittens" (natives of "Hell" who rebel and leave illegally because it's "not cool", "phony", or "full of bad people"). Serving the offices of the DRP, are small independent units of free-lancers, known as Borderhounds. They patrol the borders, sit in their trucks and drink beer, occasional shoot something, and are tasked with picking up targets in the Wasteland or even our reality if they have escaped that far.

Enter Brimstone, a Half-Demon/Half-Human son of a Janitor of Demonic Forces. Brimstone is married with two kids and spends his days patrolling the border, drinking, and trying to get his wife to put out. He hates coming into our reality for retrieval or shopping because he doesn't "get it". He just likes to hang out in the wastelands with his staff, which consists of two huge Mexican brothers Dawg (the beer guzzler) & Luscious (who enjoys wearing feather boas and Elton John Sunglasses) who both share his affinity for alcohol and hunting. Unfortunately for this squad of Borderhounds, they have a lot to contend with, as well as competing with other units constantly wanting to see them destroyed. New rival corporations are always trying to sabotage "Hell's" work, and now factions of Weepers and Kittens are trying to bring the worst of their ranks into common reality in order to lure poor and unsuspecting Retrievers into the open. A type of Cold War style corporate espionage has emerged in "Hell" as well as other realities (where the sun doesn't shine). Agents from all sides constantly war with each other trying to claim high-profile targets and destroy the others' ability to function. Brimstone's hybrid nature makes him a big target and a tough nut to crack, but he manages to kick ass with his "Taco Talent", Dawg & Luscious. But within the shadows, forces are conspiring to bring about the destruction of the fabric of reality. And soon, Brimstone and his squad of Borderhounds will find themselves knee-deep in a plot to unravel the very fabric of existence itself with Brimstone as the key to saving or damning us all.

 The Borderhounds team is proud to announce that they are aiming to launch their initial four part series on October 31st, 2010. “We are yet to decide on any specific publisher considering we want to be sure that whomever we get into “bed” with is going to show us as much love as we are going to show them” says Brimstone.

Keeping with his stand on supporting independent talent; Brimstone has launched a contest calling for musicians from all genres to submit their tracks for WHELL.  WHELL will be an online radio station (straight out of the pages of the comic) spinning hand chosen unsigned acts twenty-four hours a day. The top twenty semi-finalists will be voted on via The Borderhounds website and the finalists will find themselves on a “Borderhounds Soundtrack” that will be released on iTunes. Brimstone says, “We are looking to give as many young hopefuls the exposure they need to succeed in their profession. At least we think it’s a cool idea!”
For more information about the Borderhounds brand please visit the Official Website at

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